





``` Warranty of Quality This Warranty of Quality (the "Warranty") is made and entered into this [Day] day of [Month], [Year] by and between [Supplier Name] ("Supplier") and [Customer Name] ("Customer"). 1. Definitions. "Product" means the goods or services provided by Supplier to Customer pursuant to the Purchase Order. "Purchase Order" means the document or documents that set forth the terms and conditions of the sale of the Product by Supplier to Customer. "Warranty Period" means the period of time during which the Product is covered by this Warranty. 2. Warranty. Supplier warrants that the Product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Number] months from the date of delivery (the "Warranty Period"). Supplier's sole liability under this Warranty is to repair or replace any Product that fails to meet the above warranty within the Warranty Period. 3. Exclusions. This Warranty does not apply to any defect caused by: Misuse or negligence by Customer. Modification or repair of the Product by anyone other than Supplier. Damage caused by natural disasters or other events beyond Supplier's control. 4. Notice of Claim. Customer must notify Supplier in writing of any alleged defect within [Number] days of discovery of the defect. Customer's notice must include a detailed description of the defect, including photographs or other documentation as necessary. 5. Remedies. If a Product fails to meet the above warranty within the Warranty Period, Supplier shall, at its sole discretion, either: Repair the Product. Replace the Product. Refund the purchase price of the Product. 6. Limitations of Liability. Supplier's liability under this Warranty is limited to the purchase price of the Product. Supplier shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or special damages arising from any breach of this Warranty. 7. Governing Law; Venue. This Warranty shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State]. Any action or proceeding to enforce this Warranty shall be brought in the courts located in the county of [County], State of [State]. 8. Entire Agreement. This Warranty constitutes the entire agreement between Supplier and Customer with respect to the quality of the Product. No other representations or warranties, express or implied, shall apply to the Product. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Warranty as of the date first written above. [Supplier Name] By: ______________________________ Name: ______________________________ Title: ______________________________ [Customer Name] By: ______________________________ Name: ______________________________ Title: ______________________________ ```



明确定义术语:确保保函中的关键术语(如“产品”、“保修期”)得到明确定义。 陈述保修范围:具体说明保修涵盖的缺陷类型和产品的适用时间段。 排除保修:列出保修不涵盖的原因,例如因客户误用或修改产品造成的缺陷。 说明索赔程序:概述客户报告索赔的程序,包括通知时间限制和所需的文档。 提供补救措施:指定供应商在保修范围内缺陷出现时的处理方式,例如修理、更换或退款。 限制责任:限制供应商对保修违约的责任,例如将赔偿金额限制在产品购买价格范围内。 选择适当的法律条款:选择保函适用的法律和管辖权,这对于解决争议非常重要。 获取法律建议:在签署保函之前,请法律顾问审查保函,以确保符合适用的法律。


