
建材质量保函 (中文)

兹经双方协商确定,甲乙双方签订 合同。现甲方特向乙方出具本质量保函,以保证该合同项下供货材料的质量符合及行业规范要求。具体如下:

甲方保证:所供货材料必须是新产品且符合及行业质量标准、技术规范以及合同规定的要求。 甲方保证:在材料生产、加工、运输及安装过程中,严格按照技术规范和操作规程进行,确保材料的质量和安全。 甲方保证:按照合同约定的交货时间和地点,向乙方提交符合及行业质量标准的合格材料。 甲方保证:向乙方提供的材料,符合相关环保标准,无安全隐患或质量问题。 甲方保证:在保修期内,对于因甲方原因造成的材料质量问题,乙方有权要求甲方无偿返工、换货或赔偿损失。 甲方保证:保修期:从材料验收合格之日起 个月。





Material Quality Assurance (English)

This Quality Assurance is made this day of , 2023 by and between (“Seller”) and (“Buyer”), pursuant to the terms and conditions of that certain Contract entered into by and between Seller and Buyer dated as of (the “Contract”). Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the same meanings ascribed to such terms in the Contract.

Seller hereby represents and warrants that all Materials (as defined in the Contract) to be supplied by Seller hereunder shall be new, and shall conform in all material respects with the applicable specifications and requirements set forth in the Contract and all applicable laws, codes, rules, regulations, industry standards and guidelines. Seller shall exercise reasonable care and diligence in the manufacture, processing, transportation and installation of the Materials in accordance with applicable technical specifications and industry standards to ensure the quality and safety of the Materials. Seller shall promptly notify Buyer of any known or suspected quality or safety issues relating to the Materials. Seller shall deliver the Materials to Buyer at the time and place specified in the Contract and shall furnish to Buyer certificates of conformance or other reasonable evidence satisfactory to Buyer demonstrating that the Materials conform to the applicable specifications and requirements set forth in the Contract. Seller represents and warrants that the Materials shall comply with all applicable environmental standards and shall be free from any safety hazards or quality defects. Seller shall promptly and at its own expense, repair, replace or otherwise remedy any non-conforming Materials, at Buyer’s sole option, which fail to meet the specifications and requirements set forth in the Contract or which are otherwise defective as a result of Seller’s breach of any of its representations or warranties hereunder. Seller shall also be liable to Buyer for any and all damages, costs and expenses incurred by Buyer as a result of Seller’s breach of any of its representations or warranties hereunder. The warranty period for the Materials shall commence on the date of acceptance of the Materials by Buyer and shall continue for a period of months thereafter (the “Warranty Period”).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has duly executed this Quality Assurance as of the date first written above.

Seller’s Name:



