
Bank Guarantee Template

A bank guarantee, also known as a letter of credit, is a financial instrument issued by a bank on behalf of a customer (the applicant) guaranteeing payment to a beneficiary in the event of default by the applicant. It is a legally binding document that provides assurance to the beneficiary that they will be paid even if the applicant fails to meet their obligations. Bank guarantees are commonly used in various transactions, such as:

International trade Construction contracts Performance bonds Bid bonds Advance payment guarantees Customs bonds

Bank guarantees can be advantageous for both the applicant and the beneficiary. For the applicant, it can enhance their credibility and provide a financial safety net, making it easier to secure contracts and financing. For the beneficiary, it offers protection against financial loss and provides peace of mind that they will be paid, even if the applicant defaults.

This template outlines the key elements and essential terms commonly found in a bank guarantee:

Bank Guarantee Template

[Bank Letterhead]

Date: [Date]

Beneficiary: [Name and Address of Beneficiary]

Applicant: [Name and Address of Applicant]

Guarantee Number: [Guarantee Number]

Subject: Bank Guarantee for [Purpose of Guarantee]

This guarantee is issued by [Bank Name] (the "Guarantor") on behalf of [Applicant Name] (the "Applicant"). The Guarantor unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees to the Beneficiary, [Beneficiary Name] (the "Beneficiary"), the due and punctual payment of any sum of money up to a maximum amount of [Amount in Words and Figures] (the "Guarantee Amount").

This guarantee is issued in connection with [Contract/Agreement/Transaction Description], dated [Date], between the Applicant and the Beneficiary (the "Underlying Agreement").

The Guarantor undertakes to pay the Guarantee Amount to the Beneficiary upon receipt of a written claim from the Beneficiary, which includes:

A declaration that the Applicant has failed to comply with its obligations under the Underlying Agreement. Documentation evidencing the Applicant's default. A written demand for payment.

The Beneficiary shall have the right to demand payment under this guarantee even if the Beneficiary has not exhausted all other remedies available to it against the Applicant.

This guarantee is subject to the following conditions:

This guarantee is valid for a period of [Time Period] from the date hereof. This guarantee is subject to the laws of [Jurisdiction]. The Guarantor's liability under this guarantee is limited to the Guarantee Amount. The Beneficiary shall notify the Guarantor within [Number] days of any event that might give rise to a claim under this guarantee. This guarantee may be amended or modified only by a written agreement signed by all parties to this guarantee. The Guarantor shall not be liable for any delay in payment under this guarantee caused by any force majeure event.

This guarantee shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Guarantor has executed this guarantee as of the date first written above.

For and on behalf of [Bank Name]:

[Authorized Signature]

[Name and Title]

[Bank Stamp]

Key Considerations When Drafting a Bank Guarantee Template

When drafting a bank guarantee template, it is essential to consider the following factors:

1. Explicit and Unconditional Guarantee

The guarantee should be clear and unambiguous, stating that the Guarantor unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees payment to the Beneficiary. The wording should avoid any conditions or exceptions that could weaken the guarantee's strength.

2. Guarantee Amount

The Guarantee Amount should be clearly stated and should cover the potential financial risk to the Beneficiary.

3. Underlying Agreement

The guarantee should specify the underlying agreement or transaction that it relates to, including the date and parties involved.

4. Claim Process

The guarantee should outline the process for making a claim, including the required documentation and timeframes. This helps to ensure a smooth and efficient claim resolution process.

5. Validity Period

The guarantee should have a clearly defined validity period. This ensures that the beneficiary has sufficient time to make a claim.

6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The guarantee should specify the governing law and jurisdiction. This helps to avoid disputes regarding the interpretation and enforcement of the guarantee.

7. Force Majeure

The guarantee may include a clause relating to force majeure events, which are unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the parties. This clause should specify the circumstances that will be considered force majeure events.

8. Limitation of Liability

The guarantee should limit the Guarantor's liability to the Guarantee Amount. This protects the Guarantor from unlimited exposure.

9. Amendments and Modifications

The guarantee should specify the process for amending or modifying it. This will ensure that any changes are made in a formal and legally binding manner.

10. Language

When drafting a bank guarantee, it's important to use precise language that is easily understandable. This will help to avoid any ambiguity or misinterpretation.

Legal Advice

Bank guarantees are complex legal instruments, and it is essential to seek legal advice from a qualified attorney before using or relying on any template. An attorney can help you tailor the template to your specific needs, ensure it complies with all applicable laws and regulations, and minimize legal risks.


A well-drafted bank guarantee can provide significant benefits to both the applicant and the beneficiary. This template provides a general framework for drafting a bank guarantee, but it is important to seek legal advice from a qualified attorney before using or relying on any template.
